Friday, September 3, 2010

first day of drawing

I have to admit this project is daunting but I did actually leave the house and draw. I did eventually rack up 2 hours worth. I admit, i didn't count the pages. I tried working at the coffee shop but it was so crowded that I was way too self-conscious about it. So I went and sat outside the local market and drew there. I drew the tables and chairs, the plants for sale, a cityscape.

I have two main issues, being self conscious, lack of refinement. The character of the subject gets lost in my attempt to render. At this point I think I just need to keep looking. I definitely think drawing is a skill easily lost when not put to use. I have not drawn all summer so I'm trying to get past what the drawing look like at this point and just keep making them so that simultaneously the quality will enhance and my confidence will grow. I haven't attempted to use my scanner in years, but I'll give that a shot today. It's a win/win. If it works I'll use it. If it doesn't I can throw it away.

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