Wednesday, December 1, 2010

week 13

These are from various magazines. I am enjoying this quite a bit. What I like is it's a still figurative reference but I don't feel obligated to make the drawing look like the original. I can't express something new though in reference to current pop culture. 

I know I still have a lot of studying of the face/figure to do, but all in good time. I'm trying to maintain a sense of play in these. I want to get where I want to go by continuing to draw and keeping it loose and fast rather than laboring over it, which is essentially what happens when I take an academic approach to drawing.

I do feel like these show a great sense of growth from everything before. It was pretty cool, the other day I had this book and the very first book in my bag and it was cool to look back to those and see the difference, so much more confidence, and there's a sense of narrative instead of just being a thing on a page. I plan to keep this up

I also want to take these figures, digitally reduce them, and play with color schemes on thumbnails, then I can make a decision on what to fill the original with.

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